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Understanding Pulleys
November 21, 2018

A pulley is a simple machine that uses a rope and a grooved wheel to lift heavy objects. Pulleys are used in a variety of applications, including cranes, hoists, and elevators, but are also common pieces of hardware and equipment used on challeng coursses, aerial adventure parks and ziplines for rigging, element construction and emergancy rescue.
The parts of a pulley are:
- Grooved wheel: The grooved wheel is the heart of the pulley. It is the part that the rope is wrapped around.
- Axle: The axle is the central shaft of the pulley. It is what the wheel rotates on.
- Bearings: The bearings support the axle and allow it to rotate freely.
- Rope: The rope is what is used to lift the object. It is wrapped around the grooved wheel.
- Sheave: The sheave is the name for the grooved wheel.
When choosing a pulley, there are a few things you need to consider:
- The weight of the object you need to lift: The pulley needs to be strong enough to support the weight of the object. generally a safety faactor of 5/1 is choosen meing th epulley is at least 5 times stronger than the maximum anticipated load that will be applied.
- The type of load: The pulley needs to be able to handle the type of load you will be lifting. For example, if you will be lifting a heavy object, you will need a pulley that is designed for heavy loads.
- The environment: The pulley needs to be able to withstand the environment in which it will be used. For example, if you will be using the pulley outdoors, you will need a pulley that is weatherproof and typically made from aluminum or stainless steel.
- If you need a pulley that can be used to support overhead lifting or the support of human weight, you will need a pulley that is rated for the weight of the person or object being lifted. You will also need a pulley that is designed for overhead lifting. Overhead pulleys have a different design than regular pulleys that make them safer to use when lifting heavy objects overhead.
Here are some tips for choosing a pulley that is capable of supporting overhead lifting or the support of human weight:
- Look for a pulley that is rated for at least 5x the weight of the person or object being lifted.
- Choose a pulley that is designed for overhead lifting.
- Make sure the pulley is in good condition before using it.
- Use the pulley properly and always follow the pulley manufacturers written instructions and guidelines
By following these tips, you can choose a pulley that is safe and effective for use on your next adventure.
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